In compliance with current Privacy laws, the data you provide will be treated with the utmost personal and professional fairness, will not be used to send you unsolicited (and unwelcome!) e-mails, and will not for any reason be given to anyone (except in the cases, if any, provided by Law).
The same subjects recur frequently in the following text, and we will refer to them as follows:
This website www.visitreggello-tuscany.com belongs to the Municipality of Reggello, which is also referred to simply as the “Municipality.”
The site identified as http://www.visitreggello-tuscany.it, or www.visitreggello-tuscany.it is referred to in this text as “the Site” or “our Site.”
The referenced e-mail address is culturaturismo@comune.reggello.fi.it which is defined i as “the e-mail address of the municipality.”
The data controller is “Comune di Reggello,” with headquarters at Piazza Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1, 50066, Reggello, Metropolitan City of Florence: is referred to in this text as “the Data Controller.”
The data controller is Dr. Sonia Elisi or Lisi, who is referred to in this text as “the Data Processor.”
The texts included in the site are original. Where texts from other sites or publications are quoted instead, the source is always indicated. Links to sites considered useful for our users or for navigation on topics related to the territory and tourism in the Municipality of Reggello have been included on the page. Anyone who does not like the address of the site he or she owns appearing among our links may request that the link be removed by simple note sent by e-mail. We will immediately arrange for deletion. Likewise, those who would like to see the link to their site included may submit a request via e-mail to culturaturismo@comune.reggello.fi.it. The request will be granted if it is deemed consistent with the purposes of the site.
As for the published photos, these are photos taken at public events, which were included only for the purpose of documenting our activities. It is often impossible to request the permission of the people portrayed, since we do not know their identities. Upon simple reporting we will remove any photos of casually portrayed people who do not like to appear on our site.
To better protect the privacy of users of this site, we provide these notes below, which provide guidance on the type of information collected online and the various possibilities to intervene in the collection and use of such information on the Site.
The Municipality, as the Data Controller of personal data, pursuant to and in accordance with Legislative Decree. June 30, 2003 no. 196 (‘Personal Data Protection Code’), hereby informs you that the aforementioned legislation provides for the protection of persons and other subjects with respect to the processing of personal data, and that such processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights. Users’ personal data will be processed in accordance with the legislative provisions of the above-mentioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations stipulated therein.
The processing of personal data applies to those who interact with the web services of the Municipality, accessible electronically from the address of our Site (see the beginning of this text). This applies only to the City-owned Site and does not also apply to other unrelated websites that you may visit via links from our Site.
The disclosure is also inspired by Recommendation no. 2/2001 that the European Data Protection Authorities – meeting in the group established by Art.29 of European Directive No. 95/46/EC – adopted on May 17, 2001 to identify certain minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online, and in particular, the manner, timing and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when they connect to web pages, regardless of the purposes of the connection.
Users’ data will be processed for purposes related to the implementation of fulfillments related to legislative or contractual obligations and legally required fulfillments in the field of taxation and accounting. The processing of functional data for the fulfillment of these obligations is necessary for the proper management of the relationship and their provision is mandatory to implement the above purposes. The Data Controller also makes it known that failure to provide, or incorrect communication of, any of the mandatory information may result in the Data Controller’s inability to ensure the adequacy of the processing.
Your data may be disclosed to third parties, in particular to:
Within public and/or private entities for which the communication of data is mandatory or necessary in fulfillment of legal obligations or is otherwise functional for the administration of the relationship:
– Variable data mailing and printing company;
– Constitutional or constitutionally important bodies;
– Consultants and freelancers, including in associate form;
– Subsidiaries and associated companies;
– Non-bank financial intermediaries.
Subject to possible consent, personal data may be used to send information about our possible promotional or commercial activities, to carry out market or statistical surveys (see what is detailed above regarding email communications).
The provision of data is optional with regard to the above-mentioned purposes, and a refusal by you to process it does not affect the continuation of the relationship or the appropriateness of the processing itself.
Personal data will not be disseminated in any way except in those cases, if any, in which this is expressly required by the organs of the Law.
You have the right to obtain from the Data Controller the cancellation, communication, updating, variation, integration of personal data concerning you, as well as in general you can exercise all the rights provided by Art. 7 of the Privacy Code provided in copy (excerpt) below.
Legislative Decree No.196/2003
Article 7: Right of access to personal data and other rights
1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning him/her, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.
2. The data subject has the right to obtain the indication:
(a) of the origin of personal data;
(b) of the purposes and methods of processing;
(c) of the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
(d) of the identification details of the owner, managers and designated representative under Article 5, paragraph 2;
e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of them in their capacity as designated representative in the territory of the State, managers or appointees.
- The data subject has the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of the data;
(b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
(c) certification that the transactions referred to in subparagraphs. (a) and (b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except where this proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the right protected. - The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part: a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection;
b) to the processing of personal data concerning him/her for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
The Data Controller and Data Processor, as well as the Entity’s e-mail address that you can use to contact them, are listed at the beginning of this text.
The processing operations related to the web services of this site take place at the headquarters of the Entity and will be communicated exclusively to those responsible for carrying out the services necessary for the proper management of the relationship with the Municipality, with a guarantee of protection of the rights of the interested party. Your data will only be processed by personnel expressly authorized by the Data Controller.
No data from the web service is disclosed or disseminated.
The personal data provided by users who submit requests for information materials (such as information requests, newsletter subscriptions, etc.) are used for the sole purpose of performing the requested service or performance.
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, in the course of their normal operation, certain data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified individuals. This category of data includes the IP addresses of the computers used by users connecting to the site (anonymized, see below the part about “Google Analytics”), the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computer environment.
This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information about the use of the site and to check that it is working properly. The data could be used to ascertain liability in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site only at the request of the relevant supervisory bodies.
Apart from what has been specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide the personal data reported in the request forms to the Municipality or however indicated in the sections of the site related to contacts with the Municipality, to solicit the sending of informative material or other communications. Failure to provide them may result in the inability to obtain what has been requested.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site or through the mail sending forms on the site, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s e-mail address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included – always voluntarily by the user – in the message.
Personal data may be processed in the following ways:
- Creating profiles related to customers, suppliers, or consumers;
- Processing by electronic calculators;
- Manual processing by means of paper files.
All processing is carried out in compliance with the methods set out in Art. 11, 31 et seq. of the Privacy Code and through the adoption of the minimum security measures set out in the technical specifications (Annex B).
The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of such data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification (Art.7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003). Pursuant to the same article, one has the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing. Should anyone have any concerns regarding compliance with the privacy policy adopted by the City, its application, the accuracy of your personal information, or the use of the information collected, you may contact us by e-mail at the City’s e-mail address (see the beginning of this text).
The user is referred to the cookies page for a discussion of this topic.
The user is referred to the cookies page for a discussion of this topic.
No person under the age of 18, without prior parental or guardian consent, shall submit information to this Web site, nor shall any person make purchases or perfect legal acts at this site without such consent, unless permitted by applicable law.
The Site Owner reserves the right to change the contents of the Site at any time and without prior notice. You agree to be bound by any such and future revisions and agree, therefore, to visit the Site periodically to be informed of any changes.
The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this page. You agree to be bound by any such and future revisions and agree, therefore, to visit this page periodically to be informed of any changes.